Tuesday, June 30, 2015

My Love Story.

This is an honest to goodness, true story!! 

Once upon a time there was a 18 year old girl. She was your average 18 year old. She had her first public job, working at Cato. She liked hanging out with her friends, attending youth activities, and eating. 

This girl was average in looks. She was of short stature, brown hair and green eyes. She had a slim figure she currently misses very much. 

She enjoyed her friends, for the most part. You see, the majority of her friends were in serious relationships, one of them even planning a wedding. This sort of brought our girl down in the proverbial dumps. 

Instead of turning to God, our story's girl allowed herself to get sadder and sadder, eventually starting to back away from her friends and youth activities. 

The girl's wise mother noticed her daughter's pain and decided to intervene. She pulled her aside and said one thing: "I'm going to pray for you."

That's right. That's all she said. "I'm going to pray for you." No "Buck up! You're too young! Get happy! Get over yourself!" Just a simple "I'm going to pray for you."

The mother did just as she said she would. A few weeks later she pulled her daughter aside and told of a dream she'd had. In the dream, a family with several boys came to their church. The boys were all very handsome, and all the girls flocked around them. The oldest one, however, noticed the mother's daughter above all the other girls and pursued her. The dream ended with a wedding. 

The girl listened excitedly. For the next couple of months, the girl scanned each service for a new family. There were a few, but none with several boys. Eventually, the girl gave up on her mother's dream, forgetting all about it with time. 

Fast forward about 6 months. A family with 4 handsome boys moves to our girl's church. At first, all the girls surround them every service (much like animals surround their prey). The girl's sister and cousin make friends with the boys. The girl herself simply smiles and waves. 

The cousin is very excited to learn the oldest boy and the girl are close in age. "Talk to him!" The cousin urges. "No!" the girl says. "If he's interested in me, he'll talk to me!"

Another couple of months pass. The youth group goes on a trip to Myrtle Beach. The girl keeps herself very close to the oldest boy of the family. He smiles, but never says a word. The girl finally gives up and joins her friends. 

The youth group gets back to the church. The girl walks to her car when she hears her name. She turns around and it's the oldest boy. He asks her name and if she enjoyed the trip. They engage in small talk, ending with him asking her number. 

The girl gives it to him, then walks to her friends car and squeals! 

They end up dating for a year, then become engaged for six months. Right before the girl walks down the aisle, the mother reminds the daughter of her dream. The girl realizes that God had a plan all along. The mother feels honored that she was used in God's plan. Tears come to both their eyes. The girl walks down the aisle to start a new life as Mrs. Jerald Hann Jr. 

If you ever hear me call my hubby's miracle, know this story is why. 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Menu Making

This post will show my little bit of OCD. ☺️ I have a system for grocery shopping that is tried and true. I come up with a menu for each month, leaving room for leftovers and nights out. Here is this month's menu. 
Some are recipes that are old and loves and some are recipes that are new Pinterest finds (yes, I'm another Pinterest addict). If you would like any of the recipes for the above meals, I will feel free to share! 

I then write down all the ingredients for the above recipes on a separate sheet of paper. 
This is where the OCD part kicks in. I then take this sheet and cross off what I don't need and organize it on another sheet. 
Yes, I've been told it's a bit much and I belong in a padded room. I'm sure I'd find a way to reorganize the pads on the wall. Heehee. 

Using this system, my grocery shopping time is cut way down and my grocery bill is at least, if not more than, 1/2 cheaper than when I don't plan. 

Try it out for your next month! Twerk it to your family's needs. Let me know how it works. As always,

Much love,
Krystan, the experimental housewife

Homemade Laundry Detergent Review!!

I promised a review on the homemade laundry detergent I made (see recipe in previous post). I think this about sums it up: 
 I really do love it! It works amazing and makes my house smell heavenly! 

Here is a jean skirt of mine I had gotten some flour and butter on while baking. 
Gross, huh? Well, I threw it in the washer with 2 TBS detergent:
I used a scoop from an old detergent I used to buy and measured out TBS and marked them with sharpie for easy measuring. 

This is how the skirt came out:
Nice and clean! I highly recommend this detergent. It cleans well, as seen, smells great, as already stated, and costs so very much less than premade detergents!!

If you would like a sample, let me know! 

Much love,
Krystan, the experimental housewife 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

#wiaw 6/16/15

Today's #wiaw is someone everyone knows and loves. She is a Proverbs 31 woman if ever I met one. 
Sis. LeeAnn Cremeans is someone I admire very, very much. She's one of those people who work their knuckle to the bone, then when time for recognition comes around, she's in the back still working. 

Bible quizzing is a passion for her. I'm not sure everyone realizes, but she spends hours and hours typing chart work up. She gets the quizzers at her home and works with them. I've seen quizzing in other churches and very few coaches put the time in that Sis. LeeAnn does. 

She has a compassionate heart. If she someone in need, she'll do what she can to help them, usually using her own resources to help them. I've known her to buy clothes for women who didn't have any so they could come to church. I remember recently at a funeral, the children looked at the desert table and asked for cookies. There were none, only cakes and pies. She went home and baked cookies, just for them. 

Even more importantly, she is a prayer warrior. I remember as a teenager, she'd take me to the prayer room with her. We'd be there for hours. I remember listening to her pour her heart out. If there's a person in need, rest assured they're in her prayers.

So next time you see her, give her a hug. Let her know that all her hard work and dedication is appreciated. 

I love you Sis. LeeAnn, very much. I know this little post doesn't do you nearly the justice you deserve, but I wanted to let everyone know what an amazing lady you are. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

#wiaw 6/10/15

Today's #womaniadmire is someone I'm afraid I don't know as well as I'd like. However, even from a distance, she has always encouraged and inspired me. 

Tammy, we've never talked about it, but I know there's been a while, while lot you've been through, and ARE going through. 

What I admire about you Tammy, is that even through it all, you have a smile on your face, a hug and kind word for any and all, and hands raised in worship. You've helped me without ever knowing or realizing it. 

Thank you for being the strong lady you are. I love you!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

#wiaw 6/3/15

Instagram has a thing called #wcw. #wcw is Woman Candy Wednesday. People post pics of the woman they love. 

There are many women I admire, so I thought I'd start my own thing: #wiaw! #wiaw will be a blog post each Wednesday on a particular woman I admire with her picture and why I admire her (Thus #wiaw-woman I admire Wednesday). 

This week's #wiaw is someone relatively new in my life. Her name is Mary Ann Davis. 

Why do I admire her so? She has the sweetest spirit! She has a hello for any and everybody. She has a way of making a person feel loved and welcomed. 

MaryAnn, if you're reading this, I want you to know how much I appreciate you. You've made me feel like a friend from the first day we met and you trust me with your precious kids...there's no greater honor than that. Thank you for your sweet friendship. I love you!!