Sis. LeeAnn Cremeans is someone I admire very, very much. She's one of those people who work their knuckle to the bone, then when time for recognition comes around, she's in the back still working.
Bible quizzing is a passion for her. I'm not sure everyone realizes, but she spends hours and hours typing chart work up. She gets the quizzers at her home and works with them. I've seen quizzing in other churches and very few coaches put the time in that Sis. LeeAnn does.
She has a compassionate heart. If she someone in need, she'll do what she can to help them, usually using her own resources to help them. I've known her to buy clothes for women who didn't have any so they could come to church. I remember recently at a funeral, the children looked at the desert table and asked for cookies. There were none, only cakes and pies. She went home and baked cookies, just for them.
Even more importantly, she is a prayer warrior. I remember as a teenager, she'd take me to the prayer room with her. We'd be there for hours. I remember listening to her pour her heart out. If there's a person in need, rest assured they're in her prayers.
So next time you see her, give her a hug. Let her know that all her hard work and dedication is appreciated.
I love you Sis. LeeAnn, very much. I know this little post doesn't do you nearly the justice you deserve, but I wanted to let everyone know what an amazing lady you are.
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