My gorgeous hubby, Jerry, is an auto-mechanic.
As I was saying, my hubby is an auto-mechanic. He works at a place run by a wonderful Christian man, and the atmosphere is more like a family business. Jerry's boss feeds his workers breakfast and lunch and he even cuts Jerry's hair! Amazing, I know!
I like to bake something sweet "for the guys" once a week. This week I thought I'd try an old family pound cake recipe. It's the first time I've not used a box mix, and I must admit, I was a mite nervous.
It turned out very well!! Here's the recipe:
Very simple, right? My kind of recipe! (Remember, I'm not a kitchen wizard yet. Anything with more than ten ingredients gets my panic mode rising!) I also made a simple glaze I found on Google. Here's what the finished product looked like:
Quite pretty, if I do say so myself. Once it cooled, I sliced it up and arranged it real pretty on a plate.
Or, sort of pretty anyway. There was a slice of uh-oh cake. You know uh-oh slices...the ones that "crumble" and "don't look pretty" causing you to, of course, have to eat it yourself. Heehee. I usually have a few of those. Tasting my uh-oh piece, I found it to be wonderfully moist and super fluffy.
Try it out! Tell me what you think!
Much love,
The experimental housewife